Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Gemstones and Ribbons and Rocks, Oh My!

With all the fashionistas tauting ribbon jewelry for fall 2009 (on both the runways and the floor at JCK in Las Vegas), I thought it might be fun to see what I could create that fits the trend; but won't be outdated when winter 2009 rolls around. I am a big believer in having the basics and then playing with them to see what I can concoct that makes it uniquely my own. With my jewelry designs, that is what I want for all of you. I think it is much more fun to have a style that is all you own -- not something that 30,000 other people have. Unless, of course, you are in junior high school -- then you want to look like everyone else, thank goodness we outgrow that.

Anyhow, these pix give you a few ideas of how you can take your somewhat basic necklaces (although I hate thinking of my pieces as basic), and by adding different types of ribbons (I used organza and grosgrain) you can tie away to your heart's delight. Above, the green aventurine tied with the blue sodalite is soft yet bold. Then the combo of the clear crystal quartz tied to the black crystal quartz takes both of these necklaces to a different place. And, layered up with a bold black chain -- well, forgive me for saying it but "it just rocks in that downtown kind of way!"

I hope this encourages you to not think that there is only one way to wear your jewelry. Especially in this day and age -- mix it up in the most unexpected ways and get joy from it all. Life is too short to just wear a single strand of pearls -- don't you think?

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