Friday, January 10, 2014

Inspiration: Freezing Fog

A few weeks back, my birthday week to be exact, I received the best gift ever. Mother Nature gave me her finest. Taking my regular route mid-morning, I headed out to Dundee to meet with my hairstylist for a cut and color and some fun girl chat. A few blocks from home everything seemed to look quite different than is usual for this time of year. I pulled my Jeep off road to get a closer look of the white bark birch trees that line the property where I had stopped. The bare branches and trunks were covered in frost; not glistening ice, but soft shimmery frost. The sky was white and soft. It was magical – I felt as if I was standing in the middle of the best snow globe ever.

It took me much longer than usual to make the twenty mile drive – I was compelled to keep pulling over to take in the splendor surrounding me. Open farm fields, hazelnut orchards, dairy farms, grass farms and hop fields were glistening with frost.  Wishing I had the “big” camera with me, I did the best I could with my iPhone. (I have to admit, the camera in the iPhone is damn good!) I reached my destination with a complete sense of awe. When I left the salon a few hours later, the rain had kicked in and so the mysterious and lovely frost was gone…just like that. I have lived here now for ten years – this was the first time I had every experienced this weather condition and the beauty of it all. I figure that the magic of the freezing fog that morning was an omen that this next year of life was set to be quite magical.

Back in the studio I kept thinking about the gift of it all and how inspiration is always right there – I just need to keep my eyes open. Since that day in December, I keep hoping for another freezing fog phenomenon so I can capture its beauty in pix. In the meantime, I worked with some frosty rough crystal quartz – while visions of freezing fog danced through my head and my heart.