Almost full, just a little sliver missing -- but clouds and rain are on the way, so I knew I would not be able to catch the full moon. I love the moon in September and October -- it seems that it is always a big harvest moon. And, since I love the fall -- for me the moon is a sign of cooler days and breathtaking colors. The sky in this pix makes me think of labradorite.
The hints of blues mixed with grey are just heavenly. I did find some labradorite beads in Tucson last February -- but very limited. It is a tricky gemstone -- not always easy to find. So when I do find it, I gobble it up.
I have updated my blog editor and so am being "challenged," which I am told is good for the brain! I have to tell you though, some days I know I am an old dog!! What? Learn a new trick? Not so much!