Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Looking Back: The Fantasy of Joan Rivers Jewelry

Tanya Lochridge Jewelry Agate, jasper, avenutine, quartz and Kazuri Bracelets

Living in New York City all those years ago, yes back in the dark ages when Starbucks was just a dream in the minds of New Yorkers (hard to believe I know), I was so lucky to be exposed, in a good way, to the world of Joan Rivers Jewelry. I eagerly watched as her line of jewelry launched on QVC; exciting times for so many reasons. I started collecting immediately with a heavy emphasis on her enamel pieces. In the early years, many of her pieces were made in Rhode Island. Yes, that Rhode Island. Believe it or not, Providence was a Mecca for jewelry design and talented designers and the quality of the craftsmanship of the pieces flowing out of the workshops was magnificent.

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Layer or Stack? Stack and Layer? Neither or Both?

Tanya Lochridge Jewelry Smoky and Rutilated Quartz Gemstone Necklace

So much confusion – do you layer or should you stack? The question is are these two very different styling mantras or are they really just different words for the same thing? Personally, I think I use the words interchangeably; but maybe I’ve been wrong all these years? Sure as heck wouldn’t be the first time and I am sure it’s not going to be the last! Do you layer necklaces but stack bracelets? Head spinning? I know mine is…well, it does all the time; but that’s another story best left for another day! Back to the jewelry and I’ll try to stay on track here! Lay down your bets now!