Friday, August 26, 2011

National Dog Day!

I don't know about all of you, but my life just wouldn't be right without my little Beatrix Potter in it. I just heard that today is National Dog Day - so figured it was the perfect time to sing her praises. As many of you might remember, after 14 years of life in New York City and here in the the Pacific Northwest, my sweet Agatha Christie left this earth. My heartbreak and feeling of total emptiness in trying to have a life without her was overwhelming.

While it sounds dramatic, it was true. I vowed that she was the last dog I would have...the pain from losing such a spirit was more than I could bear again. Little did I know that the universe had other plans for me. Beatrix (who had another name which I can't remember at the moment) was a rescue -- a 7-month-old Cairn Terrier who had sadly already learned that people weren't to be trusted. Janice, a dear sister-friend of mine, is very involved in Cairn Terrier Rescue in this part of the country; and when Bea came to stay with her until she found her forever home, I knew about it. I had spent time with Janice and her rescues since moving here, helping to socialize them and working with them to overcome many of the "issues" they had developed. Every time those resuces would leave to go to their new forever families I was happy...yet so sad. You see for me, it doesn't take much for an animal of any kind, especially dogs, to completely win my heart and my affection and all of those rescues settled right in there!

Bea was one of those special spirits -- a tippy tripod who ran on three legs because somehow her back leg had been injured. So afraid of the world, this little one. It took months until she finally started to trust that every hand she saw didn't mean she needed to flinch because she was going to get smacked; and, it could be a good thing to let someone pick her up for a cuddle as long as they didn't hold her too tight. I can't name the exact moment when I realized that I needed Beatrix as much as she needed me; it just happened and I knew we would share a life together -- even though it meant finding a new home where we both could live. The heartbreak of losing Agatha hasn't dissolved over time -- it will always be there; but the incredible joy I feel from life with Beatrix is so healthy. It's an amazing thing to have the unconditional love of a pure spirit who lets me love her with all my heart -- no strings. I do so hope that all of you are lucky enough to be able to share your life and your love with such an open spirit. I believe it is one of life's greatest joys. So, today I thank Little Bea for finding me, allowing me to share her life and in doing so, making my life so very complete.

In the photo here, Bea's helping another little rescue make the adjustment so she too will have a life full of laughter and joy. There are so many dogs out there that need someone to love them -- Bea is my third rescue -- and I recommend it without reserve. The one suggestion I do have for people who ask about rescue, is that they need to put aside any and all expectations. You need to be willing to meet a rescue on their terms-of-sort and try to work with someone who understands the "rescue" behavior. If you are patient and loving and kind; in time, I believe you, too, will not understand why you waited so long to let that little spirit into your heart.

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