Tuesday, December 14, 2010
It was a Great Day for a Birthday

joan boyce,
Lampwork glass,
Friday, December 10, 2010
Turquoise, Rainbow Hickoryite and Assignments

Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Life, the DMV and John Lennon
Well, today was the day to renew the driver's license. Yes, it's coming on my birthday (trying not to freak out about that fact but that's another story best left for another day) and that means that my current license was due to expire so I had to bite the bullet and renew. In this part of the world, that means you actually have to take a written test -- well, it is not really written any longer since it is all computerized in this day and age. Good student that I am I got the manual last week and actually read through and studied the contents. I was amazed at how much there is to know about driving a car these days. Now, as you know, I'm not new to the driving world; in fact, I have been driving for more years than many of you have been alive! So why was I so jittery about this darn test? Driving to the DMV office it actually hit me that I hadn't been this nervous about taking a test since the final in that damn (and yes, I am swearing) damn (there I said it again) finance class I hated in B-School. Now that's just nuts, right?
After showing enough documentation to prove that I am indeed a living breathing soul I went to the computer kiosk tryng to ignore my pounding heart. There was no time limit, so that made me feel a bit better and there is a way to skip questions and return to them later...unlike the finance final that was timed with a TICK, TICK, TICK obnoxious timer. I relaxed a bit on the first question -- one of the multi choice answers actually made me laugh out loud. So, okay. someone in the State has a sense of humor. As I completed the final question and was being congratulated on the monitor, I heard John Lennon's Happy Xmas playing on the Muzak (or whatever it is called today) buzzing through the small space. John Lennon singing a song about war being over -- written all those years ago and somehow still very relevant in today's world. Needless to say, I sat there quietly and waited for the song to end. John Lennon lyrics pushed aside for a moment, I finished up the process, had a pix taken, thanked everyone for making it a pleasant experience and walked out of the building.
In the car, where Beatrix was waiting, it hit me...today is December 8th. It was this day, in 1980, that John Lennon left this place. In an act that still makes no sense to me at all -- one of the greatest poets or our time was gone...in a flash. I made the short drive home no longer focused on the silliness of a license to drive -- life is a much bigger thing and we don't know how it all works; but what I have learned in the years I have lived is that it is so important to be kind, loving and sharing every moment of every day because we don't know when that moment will be our last. So friends, remember that kindness, loving and sharing should be a part of who we are, not just during the holiday season, but every day of the year no matter who we are or where we live.
After showing enough documentation to prove that I am indeed a living breathing soul I went to the computer kiosk tryng to ignore my pounding heart. There was no time limit, so that made me feel a bit better and there is a way to skip questions and return to them later...unlike the finance final that was timed with a TICK, TICK, TICK obnoxious timer. I relaxed a bit on the first question -- one of the multi choice answers actually made me laugh out loud. So, okay. someone in the State has a sense of humor. As I completed the final question and was being congratulated on the monitor, I heard John Lennon's Happy Xmas playing on the Muzak (or whatever it is called today) buzzing through the small space. John Lennon singing a song about war being over -- written all those years ago and somehow still very relevant in today's world. Needless to say, I sat there quietly and waited for the song to end. John Lennon lyrics pushed aside for a moment, I finished up the process, had a pix taken, thanked everyone for making it a pleasant experience and walked out of the building.
In the car, where Beatrix was waiting, it hit me...today is December 8th. It was this day, in 1980, that John Lennon left this place. In an act that still makes no sense to me at all -- one of the greatest poets or our time was gone...in a flash. I made the short drive home no longer focused on the silliness of a license to drive -- life is a much bigger thing and we don't know how it all works; but what I have learned in the years I have lived is that it is so important to be kind, loving and sharing every moment of every day because we don't know when that moment will be our last. So friends, remember that kindness, loving and sharing should be a part of who we are, not just during the holiday season, but every day of the year no matter who we are or where we live.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Black Friday -- There I Said It!

Anyhow, this is my idea of what a real Black Friday, or any day for that matter, should look like, Two of my rope designs, one looking very 20s vintage with it's soutache bead and the other being right on trend with it's glowing gray mother-of-pearl and freshwater pearl beads partying with my latest acquisition from Ms. Joan Boyce who sells her beauties on HSN. The cuff shown here is a lovely black enameled number with sparkling and perfectly set crystals dancing all around. Yes, I am wearing all three as I create this post -- wouldn't you do the same? It's a bit sassy, I say. By now you've got me figured out --- well, that's a gross overstatement but I mean figured out when it comes to styling jewelry. (Just a note -- no one, including me will ever have "me" figured out! And, believe me hordes of people have tried...but to no avail.) But back to the jewelry, I love mixing it up, wearing the unexpected and making it a lot of fun. Here's a perfect example of that. But wait...there is more. I can't wait for the latest Joan Boyce to arrive -- a black diamond and pearl set that I am sure will be just as fabulous as the others I have of hers. And, I have a sneaking suspicion that the new pair will be just as excited to play with some new friends from my collection. So much fun...this jewelry stuff. I just wish I had more wrists!!! But I am thankful that I have two with lots of room between wrist and elbow. I say "stack 'em up and have a ball."
bead jewelry,
crocheted rope jewelry,
joan boyce
Thursday, November 11, 2010
In Honor of Disabled Veterans

Tuesday, November 02, 2010
The Magic of Music

Sitting in the studio this afternoon, enjoying the sun as it streams in the large window and listening to allclassical.org, the classical station here in the Portland area. First, I have to say, the station is without competition...in my book at least. And, yes, it beats the hell out of the station I listened to for 10 years while living in New York City. Sorry, but it's the truth. The station here is member-sponsored and that means no annoying commercials and the breadth and depth of their playlist never ceases to surprise me.
baroque music,
classical music
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
It's A Glam Thing -- a big THANK YOU!
What a fabulous surprise. Lisa, from itsaglamthing.com, highlighted the All Things Pink! section from my site in her Lisa's Latest Fave Finds section on her web site! So exciting and completely unexpected. Not only did she include a pix of the fabulous pink lampwork heart rope style bracelet shown here, she also mentioned Susan G.

Komen and Kate's Kids 4 the Cure, the two non-profits who receive donations from every sale of a design from the All Things Pink! section.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Thank You weezies.com!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Sure Signs of Fall

I don't care what the color Gods have to say about it -- to me fall will always mean burnt oranges, browns, deep russet and greens. In jewelry those colors translate as carnelian, red agate, green aventurine, smoky quartz and deep green freshwater pearls. Of course, I have to toss in some glittery Czech glass fire-polished beads to represent the sun as it bounces off the colors of autumn.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Clickity-click -- Sounds From My Past

Today I find myself longing for the unique clickity-click of an old-fashioned push mower. Those of you closer to my age know exactly what I am talking about -- those who are younger, haven't a clue. It's a perfect fall day here -- low 50s, clear blue sky, crisp air, birds right outside my window are gathering their reserves for the winter stay or migrations to warmer parts unknown. I am snuggled in my studio totally engrossed in the creative process, mixing it up with carnelian, smoky quartz and aventurine, windows open, my sweatshirt keeping me toasty.
bead jewelry,
green aventurine,
smoky quartz
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Color Gods

Yes, the color gods have spoken -- well, in reality, it has been quite some time since they came up with this Fall-Winter 2010-2011 selection; but I thought it would be interesting to post it here for all of you to see. When I hear all the hoopla about the colors of the season I always wonder, if we as women, really are going to run out and buy a kumquat jacket with matching pants.
color trends,
gemstone jewelry,
Thursday, October 07, 2010
The Strength of Pink

As you know, October is the official Breast Cancer Awareness month. While it is fabulous to spend a month dedicated to this topic; I think it is important to do all we can to raise awareness and educate people about breast cancer during all twelve months of the year. While I never really think of myself as a girly-girl (it just doesn't fit me nor my style), pink has always been and continues to be one of my favorite colors -- so soft and feminine.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
The Corner of 5th and Zen -- Gone but not Forgotten

I had a wave of sadness hit me when I learned that the fabulous Takashimaya store on Fifth Avenue in New York City had moved out and the building is slated to be the temporary home of Forever 21. While I know little about Forever 21 other than some of the garments they sell are designed and manufactured in Los Angeles (surprising, I know), it just seems that the merchandise and merchandising would be 180 degrees off of Takashimaya.
Fifth Avenue,
Forever 21,
New York City,
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Geese, Snow Birds and Flashes of Brilliance

With all the geese flying overhead intermittently throughout the day and night on their migration to parts unknown, I've been wondering why we, as humans, don't do the same. I know that in some parts of the world, people do move with the seasons -- but I was thinking, that in most part, at least in this country, we tend to stay put. I must admit...the more I think about it, my original thought is wrong.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Dundee, Cow Poop and Magnificient Mother-of-Pearl

Friday I had the fun of heading out to Dundee to meet up with my friend and hairdresser, Amy. It's about 20 miles, as the crow flies, and a lovely ride through hills and dales of farm land, hazelnut orchards, hops fields and lots of dairy cow and sheep pastures. I must admit, when they "blow" the cow poop from the dairy barns into the fields, it gets pretty stinky.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thinking of those we lost.

Under labradorite skies -- we are thinking of those we lost on September 11th. Our hearts are filled with sadness; the memories and love are always with us.
September 11th
Monday, September 06, 2010
Labor Day and Moments

Yesterday in the late afternoon Beatrix and I decided we had just about enough of the new computer installation party and decided to run over to see all the family and friends who were hanging out at Champoeg Park for the long weekend. Now, that's a real party -- full of fresh air, fun and laughter. I was thinking we would do a little hiking, sit around the fire a bit and then head on back to the Ponderosa here in Dodge!
oregon state park
Friday, August 27, 2010
R.J. Graziano Cozies Up

Yes, it's true, I do shop at both HSN and QVC (gasp!); mostly for items for the house, oh and okay, an occasional piece of jewelry. (Occasional...interesting word choice...thank goodness there is no lightening today.) While, of late, both venues have been offering a lot of "disposable jewelry;" however, if you're astute and really keep your eyes and ears open you can find some interesting and well-made items interspersed throughout.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Stack of Starfish

It's hard to believe but we are fast approaching the end of summer. While I am excited about the fall, which I think may be a throwback to back to school...new clothes, new shoes...oh, and new things to learn, I am always a bit sad to see the long days of summer disappear. As a reminder of the beach, the sun and the new boys (maybe?) many of you have asked for more starfish bracelets like the one featured in "The Jewel Box" section of the summer issue of Gladys Magazine.
bead jewelry,
gladys magazine,
shell jewelry,
Monday, August 16, 2010
Good Things Come in Threes

You know the old saying about "things coming in threes." -- well here is a perfect example of three very good things that all came together in the studio this weekend. While I bought the gemstone rectangle cushion cut beads in Tucson 2009 (yes, 2009) the strands have been hanging on my inspiration board ever since; just waiting for something to pop to mind that wasn't ordinary and did them justice.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Era of Disposable Jewelry?

I was "shopping" with my niece last night and we were both amazed at the quantity of what we call "disposable" jewelry flooding the market these days. From what we saw, it seems that if you can make it and sell it for less than $5.00 wholesale, it'll be on the racks at stores and on shopping channels across the country and around the world for $19.95. Now, you all know that I like fun jewelry -- and I frequently bought from street vendors while I lived in NYC.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Flourite & Aquamarine...Dive Right In

Okay, I was so inspired by the kyanite necklace (see my July 26th post) that I just had to work up a design with the fabulous flourite beads I got in Tucson. Since they are so big, I thought that they would be stunning in my signature five-strand necklace.
beach glass,
bead jewelry,
sea glass
Monday, July 26, 2010
Kyanite -- Wowser, Wowser & Wowser
Saturday, July 24, 2010
National Cowboy Day

So I just read on Carolyn Pollack's FaceBook page that today is National Cowboy Day. So, in honor of all cowboys out there, I am sharing a fabulous photograph taken by my brother. Bob (that would be my brother) has a special gift -- he totally captures the spirit of the moment. I say, anyone can take a picture; but it takes a special talent to evoke an emotion.
carolyn pollack,
national cowboy day
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Sea Breezes and Sunshine

Sometimes I long for the beach. Well, more than sometimes, maybe more like all the time. I think that when you grow up with the beach playing a major role in your life, it becomes a part of who you are so it never quite leaves your soul. Today I am longing for all that is the beach -- salty breezes, pelicans and seagulls, the sound of the waves on the cool wet sand, foghorns and channel bells, the clanking of lines against masts of sailboats, cute boys from other places, Catalina Island off in the distance -- and just the ease of it all.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Once Again...it's the Little Things.

Those of you who know me, know that I am a BIG fan of the oatmeal. Sometimes Bob's Red Mill and sometimes Snoqualmie Falls. Sometimes steel cut and sometimes just the old-fashioned long-cooking type. But never...and I mean never, the microwavable type.
bob's red mill,
snoqualmie falls
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Sparkle and Shine

As you know, I love to shake things up by designing jewelry that combines the unexpected. That thinking carries through when I style my look by layering pieces from my collection that play off each other.
bead jewelry,
crocheted rope,
indie design,
joan boyce
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Jewelry for the Professional Woman
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Where the Fairies Live.

bead jewelry,
storybook land
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Happy 4th!!

I feel the need to hum, well is it really humming? It's more like dah, dah, dah, dah, dah dah and dah -- the opening notes of Stars and Stripes Forever, the well-known John Philip Sousa march, in celebration of Independence Day. Living in Small Town, USA I have learned that long time residents take their holidays seriously -- and that means decorating their homes.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Gladys Magazine "Thank You"

The summer issue of Gladys Magazine finally arrived in the mail a few minutes ago. I say finally, because I have been anxiously awaiting its arrival so I could see the editorial coverage of my jewelry.
Andrea Forte,
Patrick Talent Agency,
The Jewel Box
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Grey Skies and Inspiration
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day!

Well, here we are on Father's Day and once again...would you look at the sky? It's 55 degrees out with rain overnight -- so I guess I should be happy that the rain stopped. I wonder what the weather is in Nova Scotia -- do you think they have sunshine?
pacific northwest. inspiration,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
June 15 -- Life in the Pacific Northwest
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Victorian Twilight

I just finished playing with some poppy red jasper bricks and some bold black chain. This is the end result. I so wanted to do something different for me this afternoon -- so when I stumbled upon the jasper bricks I immediately thought that they would look interesting just randomly linked with the chain.
poppy jasper,
red jasper,
Victorian jewelry
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Another Ah-Ha Moment

I had another ah-ha moment over the weekend. I spent hours in the studio working on several pieces in this mother-of-pearl collection. The entire time I kept thinking that the pearls were very interesting, the light chocolate brown and black mother-of-pearl beads were exquisite and the gold vermeil beads were a terrific complement to the other beads.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday in Champoeg

Great day yesterday. Beatrix and I ventured out to Champoeg to hang out with family and friends for a few hours. We had a great time of it -- would you believe the sun actually came out for a few hours. While everyone else was camping and "roughing" it in their RVs for the long weekend -- Bea and I drove over and back through hill and dale.
oregon state park
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Hope in a Ray of Sun

Further proof that the sun does shine here in the Pacific NW. Why just this morning, in fact, it blasted through my bedroom window and was bright enough to actually wake me up.
pacific northwest,
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Making Sunshine on a Rainy Day
Maybe it's true what they say -- you know "you've got to make your own sunshine." Well, those aren't the exact words of the proverb or whatever it's called; but today those words are keeping me going. Yes, it is still raining here in the glorious Pacific Northwest -- I know, I know...a bit caustic...but it's how I feel.
bead jewelry,
gold vermeil,
smoky quartz,
yellow jade
Sunday, May 23, 2010
52 and Rainy -- May 23

It's just not right. The rain has been nonstop for the last few weeks and the temperature hasn't crept out of the 50s. And, it is the end of May. Yes, I am whining! Again!
charm bracelet,
mother of pearl,
Monday, May 17, 2010
Where do you find your inspiration?
Luckily for me, I don't have to go far for inspiration to hit. Sometimes I wish that weren't the case and I could be like other designers who talk about their world trips and how they are inspired when they are globetrotting. Maybe it's the homebody in me...it's true, I am the only person I know who has a hard time being away from home for more than ten minutes...a behavior that usually makes my friends crazy.
nepal jewelry,
snow quartz,
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Fog Has Lifted

It's true -- the web site fog has completely lifted and what is left is a glorious new site perfect for windowshopping, strolling and buying; yes, I said buying. I know, it might be somewhat smug to describe my site as "glorious" but after so much hard work, I have to say it does look splendid.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Lost in A Website Fog

For the last few weeks I have been roaming around in a web site fog. Anyone who has ever taken on the task of building or rebuilding a web site knows exactly what I am saying. Luckily today, we have geniuses who create templates, that with some tweaking, can make things look fabu and allow me to stay reasonably sane!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Sunset Beach c. 1967

Some exciting events have taken place over the last few weeks with me and I am longing to share my good fortune with a few very special people who have always been so loving and supportive of me but, sadly, are no longer living on this planet; at least not that I am aware of. It's also coming on May -- the used-to-be month of the annual Sunset Beach Art Festival. The very same Sunset Beach Art Festival at which I sold my very first piece of jewelry...that was 1967.
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